Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WHaT'Z wD n MY NyM

Every name i know has a meaning.
for the other it is came from the name of there parents
or ancestors.
there are also name,came from the place where they make it,hahaha.
by the way my name are came from the month January.
i know that right now you already know it.
my name is JAN, i know it's was a so short name.hehehe
i thought my parents didn't think by giving this name to me.no I'm just joking.
of course i am so happy with this name.know why?
because when it comes in writing, it is so easy.at our literature class, our teacher told us to gave a meaning in our name by the use of adjectives.of course it was so easy again for me.hehehe.
and the most i love reason why i like this name is because it was given by my beloved parents.my parents who always there beside me..
i do some research about my name.
it is the meaning of the name, JAN
Enigmatic and mysterious you are a profound thinker and


  1. char!!
    nice one!
    kEeP SafE!

  2. your name is common but you know what makes it unique? it's the spelling and the person itself. hehehe! appreciate every little thing in this world and you will be happy. God bless!

  3. hehe chaR..

    niCe oNe..

    gUd lUck fUtuRe nUrsE!!!

    g0d bLeSs..
